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Seminário Nacional de Simulação Empresarial 2024
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Seminário Nacional de
Simulação Empresarial 2024

Práticas empresariais no Ensino Técnico e Superior, com recurso à Tecnologia

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Enhancing Your Daily

With IT Tools

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3000 people pass annually business simulation; 4000+ recruitments and career progressions.

ERP Online Management

We adjust Technology to the growth of your SME, management commercial accounting, HR and much more (30 SMEs with full monitoring)


We encourage efficiency in the public sector; + than 10 systems implemented in public and civil society entities.

About us

We enhance Work Routines

Our dream is to transform Africa with qualified and competent employees, where every single one is able to work using a computer, information system and provide improvements in their labor environment.

Our Products

We Are Involved in Several
Activity Sectors


The African Platform for Internships (EVER), aims to make up for the lack of internships and their respective poor quality in most countries with economic difficulties or weak business sector. The project is already achieved benefits:  

  • Make internships more competitive internationally by participating in internships supported by cutting-edge technology at international standard levels;
  • Greater interaction between African interns, which can contribute to the development of synergies;
  • The opportunity to experience business starts from the ideation (identification of opportunities, the definition of the Business Model, Business Plan, formalization until the accountability process).

Launched in November 2019 we have had interns from Lesotho, Angola, and Mozambique.


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The First Certificate of Start-up and SME Advisory Techniques arises through the union of efforts between educational and government institutions, the private sector, and international entities, with an aim to enhancing Mozambican intellectual capital and facilitating access to the labor market for trainees.

To request the certificate, the candidate must have attended the business simulation course/discipline using Business Simulation Software package in one of these organizations: ISPT, ISPM, ISPG, ISCAM, Dom Bosco, USTM, APOLITECNICA, UDM, ISCIM.


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Business Simulation - SPEE

The Business Simulation System (SPEE) is a pioneering technological solution in the training staff capable of handling the complex reality of the market in Mozambique.

Caverned by the high standard, SPEE is an alternative for universities and high schools provide a practical approach to the students in contents of Management, Accounting, Human recourses, auditing, finances, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing.

Launched in 2011, SPEE is being used at more than 15 universities. 


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Virtual Bootcamp for teenagers is a place where teenagers can trial in a process to find opportunities, develop ideas and start a simulated business in a virtual way. The program are known us business simulation Bootcamp, take place in a virtual environment covering both specific and transversal aspects. The teenagers are mentored by executive directors of  a real market companies.

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The online Internship portal is a platform we developed with the aim of bridging the gap between students and recruiters, where the entire recruitment process for internships takes place online.

With partners from various sectors, we join forces to add value to society through this support platform, both for young people and recruiters.



Online Business Management

The SGC is a complete solution for managing your company, adjustable to your business from 1500 Mt/month, with billing, stakeholder management, and accounting. We accompany the customer in the process of authorizing the use of the system with the Tax Authority.


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Human Resources

Online HR has features such as employee registration, attendance control, processing, payment of salaries, and monitoring of statements by employees.

With online HR, the execution of these routine processes is automated, using information technologies ensuring the reduction of error margins.

We also have the possibility to constantly increase the program according to your needs.


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Stock management

The Stock Management System is the middle ground found by ITIS to support small companies to track, forecast, and reconcile inventory, allowing these companies to eliminate stock waste, reduce expenses; inventory costs, waste, knowing exactly how much value you have invested in the stock and making assertive decisions.


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Academic Management and Treasury

It is an internet-based system that consists of an academic portal. Aimed at higher education and technical institutions in Mozambique, the portal allows management of all areas related to academic management, facilitates the routine activities of all those involved in the institution’s teaching and learning process.


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Expense and Revenue Management

Efficient and flexible technological mechanism to the customer, providing better service, cost reduction, time savings, control and greater security in making administrative and financial decisions.

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Online Industrial Production Monitoring

Productive Sectors Management and Monitoring System aim to automate the execution of routine processes, using information technologies to facilitate activities and reduce margins of error.

Being a web platform, it allows the execution of activities independently of the workplace, which facilitates the interaction of various departments in real-time.


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Quality Audit Control

A mechanism that facilitates communication between the involved stakeholders, establishes quality indicators necessary for accreditation, ensuring a better performance of the team involved.

It supports management in terms of assessment, mentoring, and quality accreditation in real-time.

Member Management

A tool that allows the management of members, payments, debts, communication, document management, statistics, and reports.

Its architecture facilitates integration with mobile and internet-based bank payment services.


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Customers and Partners